
I'm Kenneth, my friends call me Kenneth for short.
I popped out of my mum's tummy on 2/10/1995 - where's my gift?
Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Sec
Guitar. Yoyo. Girls.


Friday, June 5, 2009

Geez, realised it's damn long since I've posted.

Okay, in recent news, as some of you might know, I FRACTURED MY LITTLE PINKY =(
So I've gotta do most things with my left hand nowsadays. My right hand fingers are starting to stiffen, which is bad if it makes me play guitar/yoyo slower in the future. Oh well, just gotta get used to it.

The first round of bandaging, looks like a ba zhang, now its just a single splint with no bandaging.

Oh and, hint hint - I'm gonna be doing something extreme to my hair in the holidays soon! Who knows, it might look like Joey's!

Oh and, will see you people at Rachel & Zann's widely-advertised-like-theres-no-tommorow-which-isnt-really-true BBQ!

8:44 AM

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Went to ride the Singapore Flyer yesterday, pretty amazing view of the city but missed most of the sunset.

You'll appear
In a dream or maybe two
At moments, all that I think about is you
Your face, your smile
Everything that you do
A single action of yours
Is all it takes
To make me lose hope
Of the trust I once had in you

The void between us
Is getting futher by the day
I used to talk to you a little
Now I stay away

Maybe it wasn't just the fault on my side
But I couldn't bear to blame you
I always tried to put it away
But you never changed your tune

They say you're not worth it
It leads me to think
Maybe I'm just not good enough
Or maybe you're just a whore.

3:36 AM

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sheesh. Exams are approaching yo!

Stayed back in school today to work on my cloth for art. Sad to say, I'm still not done!

Hmm, so like Marc, Weijie, Jay, Junwei, Tiffany and *cough* Chiewling also stayed back until about 6.30pm. Of course half of the time was spent playing around. Jay and Junwei took time to clean the tables with detergent as Mr Lau offered them 3 hours CIP points for doing an hour.

Tommorow's a long/ma fan day. Gotta wear Full Uniform throughout lessons, hmm.

Wasted away today not being sure of exactly what I want to revise, any suggestions?

7:37 AM

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Okay so, I found more photos from a car accident I was in last year. Found them really nice and somewhat amusing o.o

The car I was in is the black Honda Civic, hit by a bloody Silvercab Taxi *points finger*

( oh, do compare the damage on the honda's rear bumper and the taxi's front bumper, don't know what taxi bumpers made of sia, hit already still no scratch. )

Here's the view of the sweet car my bro was driving...

Car engine suddenly stalls and dies at 90km/h, kena langgar (hit) by taxi...

View of the bumper after being smashed by the taxi...

Knn! taxi bumper made of what? Not a single scratch!

Towing process...

Alamak, bumper too low...

Car gets towed from expressway to a safe road, where the second tow truck will arrive.

Okay, so we hopped on the second tow truck where the nice uncle drove us to the vehicle inspection centre to file a report and get the car clearance. If we thought ours was a bad case, we were so wrong when we saw cars at the inspection area that had half of the chassis smashed (literally), burnt and some even had dried bloodstains.

It was already late in the night, about 10pm or so when we left the place. Ironically, we flagged a taxi home. Only then did we really notice how lucky we were that we had our seatbelts on.

The impact was probably enough to send me flying out the windscreen and breaking some bones in the process.

Thank God.

So yeah, that's pretty much all that is to this post.


10:32 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Haven't posted in quite some time, no?

Raise up your hands if you know who Morris is!
like, the one that saved Chiewling's number from Joey's phone and wanted to make friends with her.'

Yeah, THAT one. The one with the big ears!


Now, watch this video of him and laugh.


3:07 AM

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Esther twits worst than Jia En. Yucks.

Guess what that's for?

4:41 AM

Friday, April 10, 2009

It's Easter. Go die.

1:14 AM